Game Of Thrones Season 8

Hello, nice to meet you.

So i will be talking about the last season of Game Of Thrones and why its has been so bad. The writing, the plot armor and all the logical fallacies (like the battle tactics and so on)

I dont know if this is lazy filming or an easter egg but they have a starbucks cup in the fourth episode(really kills the immersion).


The battle in episode three makes no sense. First they make a light cavalry charge againts an enemy who is know for bringing back the dead and who’s soldiers cant be broken and will never go into retreat. It looked really cool but it was very ineffective. Second having your entire army infront of the trench makes the trench ussless. Also not utilising the walls of a castle is stupid if you want to have the least amount of casulties.

The writing is noteciably worse and lazy incompearson to the first 6 seasons and even seasons 7. Things like plot armor and logical inconsistencies are implemented .For example in one scene Jon is surounded by whites and in the next all the whites behind him are gone so he doesnt die.

In the battle it seems that almost everybody except the main charecters has died and even the writers said that that cavalry charge was the last of the dothraki but in the next episode they show that only half of them died same thing for the unsulied and northern soldires

Things like this kill the realism in the show, that brought so many people in. While watching i didnt enjoy it i just got more and more mad because its still a good show cinematicly atleast, but the writing seems lazy and it uses all the fantasy tropes we are used . Game Of Thrones was defined by the fact that it didnt follow tropes. Sadlly it really shows that now the TV writers dont have the books to go of of.